Are you tired? Yeah? Me too. It’s the end of my day. The end of the week actually…a Friday. And I am beat. I’d like to think the weekend is here and I can relax, but we all know that isn’t true. For most of us, the weekends are busier than our week days. Maybe that is one of the reasons I love my day job so much? It’s a bit more relaxing than my life at home. Who knows.
I should be making soap right now. I mean…I really should be. But it’s 8:10pm and I am procrastinating. I just came in from chores and I am feeling way behind on my evening. These are those moments I feel like I’m drowning. I look around and what I see before me is the precursor to anxiety and a scrambled brain. A kitchen table full of soaping supplies, labels and an assortment of documents and papers…. dishes drying after washing milking equipment, soap molds and lard rendering equipment…. recycling that needs to be taken out to the bin….. but hey, at least the sink is empty? And that’s only because that sink is practically my lifeline here. I need it for washing milking equipment, rendering lard, and making soap…. that sink gets used more than any other tool in my house. It has to stay empty so I can continually use it. It’s really the only thing that consistently stays uncluttered in my home. I really just want to go to bed. But I remind myself how disappointed in myself I’d be if I did that. That feeling is worse than the tiredness I am feeling now.
And while I scan my cluttered kitchen, my eyes land on one of my favorite coffee mugs. I picked it up a few weeks ago..the day after losing my doe, Paris. I needed a drive to be alone and some delicious java from one of my favorite coffee shops sounded so comforting that Sunday morning. The mug was front and center of the store; impossible to miss. The writing on the mug was perfect for that morning. And a timely reminder of what I try to focus on.
live with intention be courageous go on adventures -WORK HARD- practice gratitude judge less love yourself
Wow. I am not sure who placed the mug on that shelf…but thank you. I am so happy I found it. I nearly cried when I picked it up. I chalked it up to being emotional and sleep deprived. But here I am, weeks later, feeling the same way about those simple statements.
Quit living your life for others. Follow the road less traveled. Respect yourself. Push yourself. If you want something, create a plan and go for it! Fear is a liar. Do NOT forget to say please and especially THANK YOU. Show appreciation. Never let your judgement get clouded by greed, fear or jealousy. Never quit learning. Quit judging everyone else – it is NOT your business. Purge the negativity. Give thanks for every morning and every evening. The list could go on and on. Seriously though… I know this sounds like a corny sign to hang up on your living room wall…but really, these reminders aren’t such a bad thing in our fast paced, busy busy lives. Just the quick glance at the mug and I quickly remember that one of the reasons I am tired is because after my full day of work yesterday, I came home, did chores, wrangled some goats that did not want to come in for the night, wrestled a doe who needed inspected and wanted nothing to do with me, rendered lard, and labeled soap for one of my store deliveries. It was nearly midnight when I went to bed. Come on lady, give yourself some slack. It makes perfect sense that you’re tired.
You guys, I know we ALL have extremely busy lives. But I hope that busy life you’re in, is one that you’re living with intention. One that is full of journeys, highs and lows and and a passion to fuel your soul. I may go to bed stressed some nights, but every night I go to bed feeling fulfilled. And on that note, I think I’ve procrastinated enough… time to start some soap making!