You may be familiar with the many terms to label farms including (but not limited to) homestead farms, family farms, factory or commercial farms, organic farms, and many others. We feel that Shady Oak Farm doesn’t fit solely into one of these categories and neither would the goals for the farm.

Some farms are held together with the dreams of being organic, chemical free, or 100% self-sustaining. There are farms fueled by fads or the next best thing while others are running off of a strict diet of efficiency, structure, and protocols with little room for change. Shady Oak Farm is driven by values, traditions, and preservation, as well as striving to improve the quality of our animals, land, neighbors, and ourselves without compromising integrity and stewardship.

At Shady Oak Farm, we rely on our willingness to to work by using methods of the past in order to remove some of our reliance on outside sources. We want to preserve techniques and skills that that our ancestors perfected while living a simpler life. We believe that hard work, roots, and modesty are the back bone success. The history of our farm fascinates us and as we dive further into learning what it used to be, we become closer to what we want to be. A Heritage Farm. Shady Oak Farm will always be evolving, but our roots will remain firmly planted in the past honoring our heritage.

When our hearts turn to our ancestors, something changes inside us. We feel part of something greater than ourselves. – Russell M. Nelson

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