Hey there farm friends! Long time no see, huh?

I have to apologize as I truly had intentions of blogging here frequently. But we all know that intent is meaningless without action. So here goes.

Although the blog has lacked in action, I cannot say the same for Shady Oak Farm. Wow. What a year it has been.

  • This was our first year selling Shady Oak Farm Goat Milk Soap in stores AND online with our store here on the website.
  • We installed a new goat fence.
  • Added a new and improved buck pen.
  • Added part time hired help.
  • AND added another buck. Yup….we now have 4 in our little buck herd. And so many other highlights despite the strange year it has been off of the farm. Talk about a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. In fact, focusing on the successes (and not just the things that we did NOT get done), is creating some serious motivation for the 2021 year.

So thank YOU for supporting me in this little adventure. Whether you buy soap or goats from me. Whether you like, share or comment on my Facebook posts. OR just by reaching out to me and telling me you enjoy watching me and my goats on the farm. I am so appreciative of what God has blessed me with along this journey.

So, what’s next for this blog? Well, like I said…Action! I plan on blogging 1x per month. Tune in later in December to learn more about our plans for 2021 and maybe even see some cute baby goat pictures!

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